Monday, July 23, 2012

Agent Bandolier's Notes

2011 Feb 21 Wednesday
08h00 Discussion  
              The trajectory of the object known as Nemesis has been further refined. It appears to be altering course from initial projections and appears to be on a near intercept path with Earth. Disasters and cataclysms will follow. Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) has dubbed the object “Kali”.
                The rate of acquisition of new followers at Enolsis is increasing rapidly. The cult is bringing in new people by the busload.

08h30 Team regroup and commence research in downtown Tulsa
                Property records confirm that Enolsis owns no other properties in the vicinity of their pyramid compound. Blue Hawaiian Construction Co. is owned by Enolsis however, and BHCC owns three industrial lots in Tulsa.

Baxter Davins (USAMRIID) acquired a live, virulent sample of Norovirus from Laura Davison, a willing confidante back at the USAMRIID facility in Ft. Detrick, MD.

09h00 Industrial Properties

One property was empty except for rubble. One was an apparently defunct pipe storage yard. Various kinds of pipe still present, but not interesting.

The third property had a metal warehouse. We explored to find only tire tracks from some vehicle with very large tires. Those tracks were fresh but there were no other signs. A nearby natural gas plant shared their security videos with us, and we were able to identify the vehicles as four olive drab South African Warthogs. They departed on 19 Feb. Reviewing back 30 days (all the security tape available) did not show any other activity. Conclusion- the warthogs were in long term storage until two days ago.

11h00 Tulsa FBI

Raoul met Archie Baldwin, local FBI chief. The local shop is small (5 agents). One field operative is undercover inside Enolsis. He went in as an alleged convert and is due to come out on 22 Feb. 11h00 Sonny Glass

With the self-sequestering agent Halpert no longer active, Sheriff Sonny Glass has stepped in. His first action was to contact a seismic survey crew to get a look at the subsurface geology beneath Enolsis. The crew was willing and spent the afternoon deploying sensors and charges.

13h00 Federal Express

Walter Kasoto, a Bosnian delivery driver was interviewed. Fed-Ex has been making lots of deliveries to Enolsis, and recently the deliveries have stepped up and there have been pick-ups recently as well. The deliveries take the form of cardboard boxes, each with four large quartz-like crystals and packing materials. The same boxes are going out, but in this case with semi-regular cubic rocks of a basaltic nature. One box of crystals was seized. Mr. Kasoto was threatened and bribed with $200.

2011 Feb 22 Thursday

08h00 Seismic Shot and FBI agent

The shot went well. The crew took the data back to analyze it. We kept a copy in order to have it independently analyzed for confirmation. At same time we got word that Ms. Delveccio (NBC) had found undercover FBI agent J. Allen in a ditch with partial amnesia. On a 0-10 scale of protomatter exposure (0 showing clean and 10 indicating “Scroat-level” contamination), agent Allen was Pink-6. He also had the same microsutures on his scalp that agent Halpert had after his infiltration.

At this time Baxter intercepted a food shipment and inoculated it heavily with norovirus. Agent Allen was taken to the hospital for examination and then sent into quarantine. CAT scans indicated that his skull had been opened and the bones re-fused.


We set up internet contest (prize $4,000) for independent visualization of the seismic survey data. We also took a charged crystal to a mineral scientist at the nearby university. We got a recommendation from the seismic crew. He told us that the crystal was indeed quartz, but had a higher than usual vibrational energy. The rocks were just rocks.


Txt msg from Louis Gaston reads, “prob at st Louis, HQ suspect compromise” My notes here suck balls and I am unclear of the interpretation of what I wrote. Does this mean FBI HQ? In St. Louis only? Delta Green HQ? I further wrote down, “Kali trajectory continues to be sucko.” I believe I remember that that information was also from Gaston, and that this is when we learned that the Earth approach of Kali will be at its closest in 4 months, and will be close enough to strip away our moon.

17h30 Seismic Results from Boulder Student

Some little fucker at UC Boulder was the first to respond with a visualization. His interpretation shows a 20 to 50 meter diameter cavern about 100 meters beneath the Enolsis compound. The visualization is too crude to show exact size and location.

I contacted the Hawaii observatory for more info on Kali. They wouldn’t answer any questions, and told me that they were under orders to brief only two people at NSA: Ray Barrett and his advisor (name unknown).

Later that night

An FBI psychologist examined agent Allen. He dredged up some memories as follows:

-The agent was incapacitated with a gaseous agent in his room.

-He was tortured in a high humidity chamber. He mentioned choking on the humidity.

-He has a slight recollection of surgery being performed on his head.

-He had earlier been caught trying to follow Enolsis members when they were transporting crystals into the pyramid.

Much later that night

Two of us tried to stealth onto Enolsis grounds. We were caught and forced to retreat.

2011 Feb 23

Friday Morning at Tulsa FBI

We tested all local agents for protomatter. Agent Lyons tested Pink-8. There was no sign of how he got infected. All other local FBI seem clean. I was forced to explain a bit about protomatter, which extended to a general description of our doings from Tennessee on. This was recorded and the FBI personnel were skeptical. Video of Hope was shown as evidence.

Agent Cox hacked into Enolsis through their internet server but the files were not interpretable. Enolsis’ chartered “Clear Skies” express train is bringing a huge load of people from the west coast. The compound is getting stuffed.

Widespread sickness at Enolsis. Gene Downing allegedly curing people.


We acquired a search warrant to search Enolsis for materials and evidence related to terrorist activities. The warrant was weak, but enough to get us on the property. We were immediately approached by Steve Moseley (Pink-9) and we took him and the gate guard into custody. Mr. Moseley is believed to have demonstrated psychic mind-reading powers previously.

There may be some confusion about the events but I’ll try and be chronological as I understood things.

- We entered the parking lot in our Tahoe. Gene Downing came out to talk. There were tons of reporters at the gate (as usual) and he indicated that civil rights lawyers were on their way to protect Enolsis’ rights. At some point he tried to let the press into the compound but we squashed that.

-We entered the Freight Storage Building (FSB), where Fed-Ex shipments are stored. There were lots of boxes of rocks set to go out.

-We entered the Welcoming Building (WB) which is the dining facility downstairs and office upstairs. We seized all computers and servers and put them in the Tahoe.

-We entered the Security Building (SB). Security video was checked. Enolsis members spotted moving boxes into the pyramid from SB.

-We ran to intercept, but the members were leaving the pyramid when we got there and the hand trucks were empty. They denied having boxes.

-A detailed search of the pyramid revealed nothing. No boxes.

-An Enolsis member in the SB was caught deleting security video of the event. He was arrested for obstruction. Security back up tapes show nothing of inside the pyramid except during sermons. All security stuff was seized. We called in the local FBI to bring more trucks to carry stuff.-Bugs were planted in the FSB, SB, and pyramid.

-The gate man, Steve Moseley, Gene Downing, and the security man who erased the tape were all taken into custody.

-The local FBI guys were cheesed off to have been excluded from the mission. We blew them off.

-All other buildings were searched to no avail. The dorms were full of sick people.


Gene Downing was interrogated by Officer Doyle, a mentally negligible cop under Sheriff Glass. Doyle was told off to beat some info out of the terrorist Downing. Downing managed to talk him into a stupor and partially convince him that he was right and we were wrong.

22h00 Surveillance Video

Enolsis Aryans pile boxes of crystals against the walls in the pyramid.

2011 Feb 24 Saturday

02h00 Surveillance Video

One Aryan enters pyramid alone. He does a perimeter check, then leaves. Shortly after the camera signal goes dead.

06h00 Surveillance Video

The camera signal is re-acquired. Same pyramid interior is visible, but the boxes are different. Presumably charged crystals were exchanged for dead rocks.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Note from Agent Halpert

Message from Agent Halpert:

Status report and recommendations for continued investigation and battle against Enolsis. Jim Halpert, FBI, currently under self imposed quarantine.

I write this from an old bank vault in the basement of what used to be the Oklahoma Farmer's Bureau Bank. It no longer has the correct specs to be useful in the function of a vault, but with its steel and concrete walls, and meager ventilation, it will serve as an adequate holding cell for me.

I am infected, or I should say, surgically implanted with, the same pink shit that the Tennessee town had amongst most of its citizenry. This type of thing does not go well usually. The results are unpredictable, unpredictable in the sense of how one will be fucked. I consider myself a detriment to the team. At the moment my thoughts are my own, at least I think they are. I hope the notes following serve some good for the rest of A-cell and Delta Green.

Events of last few days:

The main events started the previous evening. I had entered the compound as a convert/volunteer.  I thought my cover was good, in retrospect it must have been blown or revealed at some point during my stay on the compound. I highly suspect that the individual named Steve (aka gate keeper) has the ability to read thoughts and mentally scan people. In any case, after awakening the next morning I found that besides a splitting headache, rotten gut and feeling like I had been run over by a truck, I had experienced a definite loss of time. Besides this, my iPhone alarm did not go off. I also discovered that at least three other men had suffered the same fate. One wore an analog watch which was 4 hours short of time.

Did the watch enter some zone where time does not flow normally? Or did the Enolsis folk just set it back to fuck with us? In any case, my head now has the faintest of surgical scars and I have the pink. The ability to leave so little a scar after pink implant is beyond modern medicine. Clearly alien workings abound at the Enolsis center.

As far as those blasted realizer crystals. They are coming in by the thousands every day. My best guess is that these crystals have been imbued with human psychic energy, and they are conduits into another realm or are partly sentient themselves. After careful investigation with a geophysics lab in St. Louis, University scientists found nothing with them. Yet they are being shipped to Enolsis central, and for a purpose. Every night they are brought into the temple. All that psychic energy is being stored in the pyramid.

No good will come of this.

Also, merely because they want it, we should stop it. Basic rule right there.
Find some bureaucratic way to fuck them up. Agriculture rules, traces of radioactivity, whatever it takes. How about fake crystals that look the same and swap them out at the Fed Ex facility in Tulsa? A friendly federal judge should be helpful there. Send them dummy uncharged crystals. If they are not charged and this bothers them, then it proves the charging hypothesis pretty quickly. Or just swap the ones coming out of Enolsis with the ones going in. No charge at all. Just an idea.

As far as the layout of the Enolsis compound goes it is maddeningly simple. At least on the surface.

There is a weak point on the compound. The generator building. The fuel tanks are outside of the generator building. Fuel. Enough said chaps.
As far as buildings go, however, I did not see anything out of the ordinary. In my one day there, I spent a considerable amount of time in the "barn" building. Workshop with several tools, nothing special. I did not have enough time or opportunity to examine the Pyramid. The upper chambers serve as Gene Downing’s personal chambers and undoubtedly need to be examined further. Could you guys get a parachutist to land on the top and infiltrate the pyramid during the prayer service in the evenings, when the leader is not present?

What lies beneath the pyramid. It has some foundation to it, how deep? What if its actually some sort of octahedron? The underside of the pyramid could be a mirror of the top. Could be. Go in heavy and start shooting those fuckers. Drive a fuel truck next to the generator building and torch it.

Oh, one last fuck you to Enolsis and spin of the media dice for me. It was clear that Gene Downing was going to use Haines and my detainment as a means of embarrassing our agencies and Government. I Was able to get this bad blonde color out of my hair by coloring it my normal shade, and set up a remote interview with an old friend from a London (actually Sussex) morning TV show. The interview places me in London yesterday with a solid alibi. That interview will run tomorrow morn over there (just an hour or two more). It should seriously throw into doubt any possibility that I Was here in Tulsa. At least it will make Downing look like an ass. I had some choice gems for him in the interview.

Anyway, the next steps are yours. One of the reasons I have placed myself here in this vault is fear of what I might become. We saw first hand and by video what happens to the pink-ified people. I don't want to hurt anyone, or be used by those freaks. Sherif Sonny helped me get set up here. I chatted with him a bit immediately after you guys left my Sheraton room. He lost a brother to the Enolsis cult years ago, and a fiancee. Kind of messy. Anyway, he has his own motivations for taking out this cult, and right now, he's what we have in Tulsa in terms of friendlies. I have taken the initiative and gave him this briefing as well as some background on previous activities. He did not blink an eye. How much weird shit has he seen? I trust him. Hope you do too.

I have enough food for a week, water, and a drain to piss in. Enough books to read, until I can't stand it anymore. I also have few bottles of pain pills. Nice huh? Oh, and some goddamn'ed Merlot. Could not find any Cab. Tulsa fuckers.

Good Luck guys, if you kill the slime pool, get me the fuck out of here.


New Age: Part Two - Tulsa - Chapter 1

So, here's how it went down.

Dan and I were the first ones to the house. We had barely cracked a beer when Donavan showed up with a failed loaf of dead bread dough that hadn't risen. He proceeded to fry some onions and make a sort of savory fried bread that was pretty darn good. We had left over pork and cole slaw and porked ourselves silly. We had no donuts.

Leif was a bit late, but not as late as feared. We got started, I think, about 6:30 or 7:00.

We tidied up some loose ends from the Friday before. Agent Halpert (Dan's character) was still in the hospital after being lazed by the blue tentacled lightning gun.

We decided that the gun itself was in a sealed evidence bag as recovered by Agent Haines (Donavan).

Delta Green sent a skeleton crew to Tulsa to do some preliminary investigation and intel gathering. They were also reminded to go easy on civilians. They drove from St. Louis, arriving near midnight on Sunday night the 18th of Feb.

They explored the area a bit. Haines was dropped off at a watering hole near Enolsis HQ called the Kow Pasture. There he eavesdropped on the drinking locals and a local news crew. Seems the crew had plans to try to attain entry to the Enolsis compound at first light and beg, bargain, or steal to get an interview with Gene Downing, AKA The Living Power.

While Haines was knocking back a cold one, the other two agents took a drive by past the compound. It is in rural Oklahoma, about 10 miles outside Tulsa and near the main manufacturing facility for Whirlpool. Enolsis owns about 300 acres surrounded by a 9' chain link fence. Several clustered buildings comprise the main structures of the compound in addition to a giant black pyramid. In the low clouds, with a soft snowy sleet falling, the bright light from the pyramids cap shone straight upward into the clouds. Dale Cox, Craig's character, was also in tow but in a semi comatose, unattended PC state since Craig had yet to show. The team discovered an abandoned farm house near the main gate to Enolsis and contemplated setting up shop there - and also designated it as a safe house in case a rendezvous point was needed later.

No donuts still. I mean, none in the house even to tempt us.

Our group wanted to be there to see what happened with the news crew. They discovered that the crew was staying at the nearby 'C'mon Inn'. Rather than awaken at a terribly early hour, the team flattened one of the tires of the crew's van and set their wake up alarms for a more civilized hour. There were other plans discussed, of course, some of which involved explosives, some involved slashing all four tires of the van... the news crew got off easy and just had to change the one tire amidst the cold and blowing snow of an early February morning on the plains.

Off to the compound. The group watched as the news team was rejected at the gate. In the midst of their discussion with the gate watchperson, a hitchhiker showed up and was welcomed into the compound. This got the team's mental cogs grinding and they began to contemplate some sort of infiltration activity. About then, a parade of several nicely painted and very new coaches left the compound. Our group set off in pursuit.

The buses spread to the four freeway winds. Our team followed one into downtown Tulsa where the driver and another person began proselytizing for those who might want to join. Agent Halpert was one of the first on the bus.

Agent Baxter Devans (Leif's Character) and Haines began to acquire gear for a 'bird hunting' cover story and knowledge about ownership of adjoining lands, as well as the possibility of finding a home for rent or lease near Enolsis HQ.

The bus that Halpert was on spent some time at various locations around Tulsa, picking up the curious and the 'joiners' that society had to offer. He didn't actually arrive back at Enolsis HQ until nearly 4:00 PM. Meanwhile he had made some friends on the bus with a businessman/executive/banker type, and a mom with two kids and some other fine (if not perhaps weak minded) citizens of Tulsa.

Halpert was warmed with a nice meal at Enolsis HQ on arrival. He was welcomed with a sincere embrace of friendship by The Living Power himself. Eventually they found their way inside the pyramid for their first prayer service and to receive their own 'realizer' crystals. During the service, many of those around Halpert were clearly moved and experienced some sort of epiphany. Halpert faked it as best he could but didn't actually experience such.

Later, in his assigned dorm room, he set his iPhone to awaken him at 3 AM for soem covert explorations.

Meanwhile, Haines and Devans tied down the rental of a nearby ranch house to serve as a team base. They journeyed into the fields around the house with their guns and gear for some bird hunting. They were also porting a quad-copter surveillance device. Devans tagged a nice double on a brace of quail. In the darkening light, they cut a hole in the chain link. They also sent their copter gathering intel. They flew around the base. They watched The Living Power work on some email through the windows of the cap of the pyramid. Also noticed that a FedEx ground truck delivered a lot of freight to a warehouse type building.

Somewhere in here, Dale Cox became noticeably more active - Craig arrived.

He brought Ice-Cream. We ate them immediately. Did I mention there were no donuts.

They called it a night somewhere after this point.

The next morning, Halpert woke up late. He had evidently missed his alarm. He felt like absolute hell. Worse hang over ever. Horrible head ache. After some discussion about the volume and reliability of iPhone alarms, he tried to make the most of the morning with some coffee and breakfast. It didn't help much. He spent the day working in the 'garage' helping to fix a four-wheeler and assisting in the shop.

Agent Cox decided his efforts might be best spent doing some recon from within Enolsis as well.

Devans and Haines were surprised.

Cox assumed an alternate idently as a hunter who was taken with the inspiration to come to Enolsis mid hunt. He tried to sneak in a taser in his boot, but the way the gate guard interrogated him on the subject of weapons, he got nervous and returned to the bus where he hid it. He was welcomed similarly to Halpert, although he went with the whole prayer instructions and had his own epiphany. He really had a moment of exquisite pleasure and a complete inundation of extasy.

I think soon after this, Devans was on the floor for a while in a meditative trance.

Somewhere in here, Halpert or Cox discovered that the 'freight' was actually cases of crystals delivered from all over the world. They came from other Enolsis facilities. At night, they were to be moved by hand cart into the pyramid. Halpert decided to help out. After the crystals were loaded into the pyramid, he decided to hang out in the warehouse - which also housed the compound's generators.

It was about now that the winds changed in the mind of Halpert. He decided to 'kick the hornet's nest' and see what happens. Despite the presence of video cameras inside and outside the generator building/warehouse, Halpert decided to sabotage the generators. He was mid-sabotage when two personnel entered the facility demanding that Halpert desist. Halpert broke out through a ventilation panel but got tagged in the neck by a dart from some sort of Enolsis security agent. He rolled a 99 and landed in a heap, face first, in the snow and slush of an Oklahoma night.

Meanwhile, Cox was getting a bit edgy in his dorm room. He decided to go for a walk. Outside. he ran into a couple of Enolsis personnel. They had a brief interchange and as Cox really wanted to go for a walk - they evidently thought there might be other motivations so suggested that perhaps he might want to talk with The Living Power.

They had a back and forth at the top of the pyramid. Gene and Agent Cox. Would agent Cox like to identify his unconscious friend? Cox yielded nothing but finally said that he'd take the unidentified person with him, just to keep him safe. Cox was submitted to a lecture from Downing about how the government was persecuting its citizens, crushing their rights, and killing their freedoms. Cox and Halpert were photographed and finally loaded into the County Sherriff's car.

Cox, speaking with the Glass discovered that Sherriff Glass was interested in the plight of these two FBI agents. He never liked those Enolsis folks, but more importantly, if anything big were to be going down in his county, he wants to be involved in it. Especially anything involving the Feds.

As Cox administered aid to Halpert he discovered very fine suture marks fully healed yet barely visible around the scalp and neck of Halpert.

I think that is where we more or less ended the night's session.

Looking forward to this coming Friday.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hope's final scene

Alien face melting scene - the wreckage on the freeway. You can see the overturned tractor trailer in the background. Cars askew amidst fire and death in the foreground.

The New Age: Part 1 - Finale

Was a big night Friday night.

We picked up where we left off previously - with the death of Agent Jack Huston in his hospital bed. He died at the hands of Ron Valiant; the pillow used as a crude suppressor still smoking as it lay on Huston's chest. Valiant could be seen walking out the front doors of the hospital and into the night. The group decided to avoid the hospital scene and let Gaston and other agents investigate.

After some discussion, and some hardware store stops, the group (Bandolier, Halpert, and Haines) made their way, wearily, to the green box location; a storage unit at EZ Store in South St. Louis. On opening the unit, they recovered 3 knock-off AK's, some rusty magazines, and a crate of surplus ammo. Also inside was a 50 gallon poly drum with "MDR 360-39-2112" written on the lid in sharpee. A little bit of smart phone use revealed that the initials and number, a social security number, belonged to Martin Dhruve Rezard, a former agent with the National Biological Survey. Evidently, Martin went missing two years prior while on assignment near Flagstaff Arizona. Also in the storage locker were 10 1 lb. cans of black powder, 24 M67 fragmentation grenades and 2 M18 smoke grenades, a Puma gym bag containing a Mossberg 12 guage pistol grip shotgun and a fist full of shells, as well as a modified boom box containing a suppressed Mac 11 and rigged for use while listening to your favorite tunes.

In the midst of opening their presents, the group was contacted by Gaston who recommended a friend of his, Dale Cox (Craig's new character) to assist the team after their loss of Huston. Cox works for the BATF&E and has some expertise in the illegal arms trade and remembered aspects of the Valiant case that might be helpful to the group. In addition, Gaston knew that Cox's mother was allegedly a 'medium', communicating with the spirits of the dead at the family dinner table while Cox was growing up. Gaston thought Cox might be intellectually open to some of the group's findings. Contacts were exchanged, smart phones connected, and Cox showed up at the green box container in his black mustang. Fast friendships were forged - and we continued on. 

The star of the green box was a large green shipping crate with several international shipping labels painted over or marked out. The tire iron from the borrowed FBI Chevy Tahoe revealed the crate to contain a GE 134 minigun rigged with a backpack for hand-held use. The gun had the image of a shark mouth common to WWII fighter planes painted on it and the word 'Tyrannosaurus" painted down the forend in bright red paint. None of our agents was large enough, or strong enough to wield the gun as designed, but it was loaded into the back of the Tahoe and away our group went.

The minigun didn't come with ammo so late night stops to WalMarts around St. Louis ensued to acquire enough ammo to feed the monster. Even though there was considerable agreement that the gun was probably not of any use to them, they adhered to the mini-gun axiom: if you have one, you had better find enough ammo to feed it.

While new equipment was being readied for service, our agents got a call from Gaston. Whitmore, a senior agent with the FBI had stolen the Daniels crystal from the evidence room at FBI HQ. Grady, the evidence room clerk, was severely injured by a blow from Whitmore in the process. The group decided this was most likely Hope and continued loading their minigun and filling their gasoline sprayers.

At 1AM, all geared up, our team woke up Delmar 'fingers' Slinker, riding in the back seat of the Tahoe, and set out to get into the Enolsis safe. They made a mandatory stop for some Jameson Irish Whiskey and Slinker loosened up a bit - toasting comrades, life, and the safe he was about to attempt to crack. None of our team joined Slinker in his toast. The door was opened by Haines and our group made their way to the safe room. It took Slinker a while, but eventually, he opened the safe - inside was Valiant's hand-written manifesto regarding aliens in Tulsa and the path toward his own ascendancy. Disappointed, the group slipped back out and walked back to their waiting SUV. Delmar Slinker was bid adieu, rather roughly, and none were sorry to see him depart. 

Finally, in exhaustion, our intrepid four checked into a new hotel under fake names and called it a night.

The next morning, breakfast at IHOP - with all the syrups, and discussion of what to do. Ahead of them, that very evening, the gathering at Enolsis was planned for 7PM. Everyone was certain that something bad was to happen there, the question was how to deal with it. Finally, it was decided to show up to the meeting early, in disguise, and see if Valiant was present. Off to FBI HQ for disguise application and preparations. 

While on the freeway enroute, our group of stalwart investigators was attacked by Hope... The group was prepared, however, with multiple tasers and two fire-breathing death devices. Amongst several memorable scenes: Hope was atop Halpert's car and Halpert came screeching to a halt, attempting to dislodge Hope - metal crinkled and buckled as Held on - smashing out the rear window in the process. As the car came to a stop, Hope dismounted and hoisted Halpert's Tahoe in preparation to roll it over the concrete freeway margin to fall into oncoming traffic below. Acting quickly, Agent Cox came screeching up, making a drive auto roll and attempted to taser Hope as she held the Taho suspended - unfortunately, in his haste, Cox accidentally tased himself (rolling first a 00, and then failing a luck roll) - his car rolled ineffectually off down the freeway while he twitched in the drivers seat. It took him most of the rest of the fight to recover. It was Bandolier's flame sprayer that did the most damage, followed by Haines with his super-weed-burner. Hope died at the hands of our heroes - leaving behind a wake of destruction including an overturned car carrier tractor trailer rig, a massive freeway pileup, burning cars, and injured civilians. Agent Halpert started his media spin machine before the flames had died on the puddle of slime that was once Hope. 

Later, in disguise, the group settled in to lay siege to the Enolsis gathering at HQ - but nobody showed up. After some furious dialing and figuring, the group discovered that the meeting location had been moved to a yoga room at the local YMCA. Calling for backup on the way, our team showed up just as the power in the building went down. Agent Bandolier busted out a flare and ran toward the yoga room, alarming the desk staff greatly. Right behind him was Agent Haines, torching up his overclocked weed burner and only enhancing the agitation of the staff with his roaring flame as he also ran toward the supposed meeting. Agent Halpert and two local FBI agents began evacuating the children from the daycare and trying to get the desk staff to evacuate the building. Cox followed Bandolier and Haines down the hall. They caught sight of Sarah (one of Valiant's devotees) outside a doorway - 'Freeze FBI!' But Sarah knocked on the door to someone inside before she knelt with her hands above her head.

Then, things went on Dex - and stayed that way for a long time. There was a bitter battle through the heavy public-building type doorway outside the yoga room. Cox thought he could make out Valiant, seated in a circle of Enolsis followers in the middle of the darkened room - Valiant was faintly glowing. Cox tried to get a shot at Valiant but the glass and distance made for some bad misses. As each round went by, more of the Enolsis members collapsed in convulsions and Valiant beamed more brightly. Finally the doorway lock was shot, and after several attempts, the doorway was kicked open by Bandolier. Haines, I think, threw in the first grenade. It detonated near Valiant but the shrapnel only rippled and splashed the surface of a glowing sphere which now encapsulated Valiant. Bullets, likewise, merely made electric ripples on the surface - Valiant roared with laughter. Many of the Enolsis followers were now scorched to a crisp - like Daniels from days earlier. Another grenade or two and Valiant lashed out with some sort of telekinetic blast which knocked our heroes about like bowling pins. Bandolier went down, Haines was injured badly but managed to stay conscious. Another FBI agent was felled by a subsequent blast.

Meanwhile, Halpert and some assisting agents had helped to clear the nursery. Now they turned their attention to the mini-gun but everything electrical was simply flat dead. They resolved to run in with hand weapons and grabbed some of the crap AK's and extra mags.

Valiant left the wreckage of the first assault wave and levitated through the ceiling of the building and began laying waste to the cops and their black and white cruisers. Red and blue lights flashing amidst fire and destruction. Bullets were nearly constantly splashing on Valiants shielding orb of blue energy. He took fire from Halpert and a couple of other FBI agents and their AK's. One lucky roll put 19 rounds on Valiant - to no avail. That agent, Babbage, was crushed to death in retaliation by Valiant as he laughed, 'die worm'! After years as a 'butt down' special forces soldier, Valiant was relishing in his immunity to bullets and the rush of the power at his fingertips. Some lights were working again in the parking lot and Cox, meanwhile, had made his way down to the Tahoe and wrestled the mini-gun out of the back. He was lucky, he determined that the electrics were running on the gun and he ripped a long string of bullets off into to the sky. He had the gun, battery and magazine in the back of the car, barrel lolling out around the back door, but he had no skill with it. Valiant leveled his attention on Cox, but Halpert intervened, taunting and jeering at Valiant. Valiant pulled up his sleeve to reveal a blue glowing, tentacle draped, pulsing arm appliance. From this appendage he cut loose a blast at Halpert which cut his legs out from under him - Halpert fell but retained consciousness though gravely injured. Cox fired again, this time, luck was with him and he held dead center on Valiant as nearly all of the 200 30 caliber bullets hammered home. Valiant's blue orb of protection winked out and he fell the 20 feet or more onto the roof of the YMCA.

Bandolier and Haines had joined the action again after some furtive field aid efforts from Haines and FBI Agent Florena Jones. From the roof there was a blast of blue lightning from the arm appliance - several more police officers went down. Valiant could not be seen from the close vantage of our team - officers from further in the parking lot were firing and taking fire from Valiant and his lightning wrath. Finally, Bandolier tossed a grenade onto the roof. Boom! Valiant came flying from the roof and landed in a heap on the lawn, still moving but badly broken. Agent Jones yelled 'Freeze'! and followed with a double tap to Valiant's head (01, 02) ... Valiant was no more.

Debriefing, the hospital, the press, more debriefing, more press, bandages being changed, more press. The next three days were a blur - but then there was the announcement by The Living Power (Gene Downing) from the Enolsis HQ in Tulsa. A New Age was dawning. Those who are ready will prevail and find inner peace and satisfaction. Those who aren't ready will not. A sign was coming. All of humanity will understand it when it happens.

An hour later, NASA makes the announcement that a new object has recently appeared in the Solar System.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Well done, all. It was a big session the other night. I barely left the chair.

Reconstituted after Bandolier's excellent summary. I'll try to fill in a few gaps and questions below.

Agent Bandolier's comments in red.

  It was a night of heavy investigation but it seemed to flow rather well. Craig fell asleep briefly in his chair, but he was the only confirmed instance of unconsciousness. Chris, you were missed. We could have used some of your forensic abilities, and some of the food that had your name on it felt abandoned. Although, the cheese steaks were spoken for one and all before the donuts went down. Donuts went down under the alternate sacrament consumption provision whereby donuts are consumed at 9:30 if no deaths or combats are in sight.
  The group was summoned to the home of Larry Daniels. (one person, Donavan) There had been an explosion at his home in the University district in West St. Louis. We had some discussion as to what kinds of munitions were possible to travel with. We pretty much had to go line by line through character inventories to clear out grenades, flash-bangs, and thermite charges. Once everyone was pared to their personal duty weapons, they managed to board their various flights and land in St. Louis. They were met by F.B.I. Special Agent In Charge, Louis Gaston. Gaston took our team via armored limousine to the scene of the 'event'.
  There had been a roaring party at Daniels' place, with 6 call girls and 4 or more men in attendance. At about 1 AM, there was an explosion of some sort which killed nearly all in attendance. The only known survivor was US Senator DiTorrio. The team spent quite a bit of time investigating the house, grounds, and staff. There were two women who were partially displaced through solid objects, a wall in one case and a floor in another. The one woman had passed through the wall and was suspended, hanging, by her waist, hands on one side and feet on the other. Another call girls was hanging by her wrist from the ceiling of the guest study. Her wrist was actually merged with the joist and plaster of the ceiling of the room.
  The team discovered that Daniels had an association with a crystal worshiping cult known as Enolsis. Daniels, a member of the board of directors of McDonnell-Douglas, also had ties with a man of dubious character named Ron Valiant. More recently, Daniels had been associating with a body builder named Doug Walters. "There seems to be some indication that he was involved in Iran Contra era arms running [needs clarification]."

  From the FBI file on Colonel Daniels: Graduated from Air Force Academy in Colo. Springs, CO. His eyesight was sub-par, however, and he wasn't able to attend flight school. He worked in administration and procurement at the Pentagon. He was expected to go much higher than Colonel, however he got snapped up by MD after 21 years in the Air Force. Daniels was suspected of dealing arms during Iran-Contra but there was never an indictment during the Ollie North scandal. He kept his job with MD and continued to broker arms throughout South America and the Middle East. He has paid his taxes regularly and donated to veterans charities since mustering out of the service. Other than that, his life is undocumented since he left the service.

  Regarding Enolsis: "Some facts rushed by me, so here is a synopsis that might or might not be accurate and we really should have had a handout for this anyhow:"
  Because of your excellent summary, I produced the following information to supplement your thorough notes and to clarify any of my mumblings or jumblings of narrative:

From the Wikipedia on Enolsis Foundation:

  Enolsis's founder was a second-rate science fiction writer named Herbert Price. Price began with a book called Inner Science, a sort of self-help, philosophy-of-life manual, which promised "to clear the reader's mental landscape of all the clutter and detritus accumulated by modern materialistic life." Despite being the founder of the Inner Science philosophy, Herbert Price was not known to be a follower of its tenants. The financial success of Inner Science led Price to create the Enolsis Foundation. Price resented the government's "theft" of his hard-earned money. He figured the best way to avoid having to pay income taxes was to gain tax-exempt status by turning Inner Science from a philosophy into a religion.
  Thus the Enolsis Foundation was created in 1978 and registered for tax exempt status. More books followed Inner Science, along with a selection of books, magazines, tapes, seminars, and workshops. By the late 1980's, the Foundation's assets were valued at over eleven million dollars, with over two hundred thousand members throughout the English speaking world. But, almost as soon as it was founded, the Enolsis foundation came under the scrutiny of the IRS. After an intense investigation and six years of legal battles, Enolsis lost its tax-exempt status in 1988.
  Unable to keep the government "looters" out of his pockets, Price began to evade his taxes and took steps to protect himself and his organization from investigation and criticism. Fearing someone with the Foundation was leaking his financial skullduggery to the IRS, Price began a purge of the Foundation's ranks. He had prominent Enolsis members and critics investigated. He launched numerous harassing lawsuits against the IRS, several major newspapers, The American Journal of Psychology, and other vocal critics of the Enolsis Foundation. Price's ego and paranoia drove him to acquire the services of twenty-four law firms, ten private investigation firms, and even an in-house security service: The Stewards. The Stewards were Enolsis faithful (trained by private security firms) who were used to dig up dirt on, as well as threaten and intimidate, Enolsis's rivals, critics, and competitors. Even more ambitious was Price's use of the Stewards as moles to infiltrate newspapers, cult-awareness networks, groups in competition with Enolsis, and, in one infamous case, even the IRS. But it was Price's grandest excess that was his undoing.
  A group of mercenaries was hired and trained with Enolsis money in preparation for the day when more "direct" action against the Foundation's enemies would be needed. The came in 1997, when a Steward was caught trying to buy automatic rifles from agents of the BATF. The Justice Department landed on Enolsis with everything under the sun: tax fraud, mail fraud, conspiracy to violate federal firearms laws, theft of government documents- all wrapped up with triple damages under the RICO statutes. Most of the indictments named Price and his inner circle of Stewards as the culprits. Price fled the country only hours ahead of indictments for tax evasion and conspiracy to violate federal firearms law. His whereabouts are the whereabouts of his considerable fortune remain unknown.
  The scandal rocked Enolsis and caused membership to drop off dramatically. By 2000, membership had dwindled to less than ten thousand worldwide. In November of that year, Gene Downing was named executive director of the Enolsis Foundation's governing board. Downing had been Enolsis European Director during the 1980's and was insulated from the scandals of Price's inner circle. Downing was a natural choice to succeed Price. He commanded great personal charisma and infused the Foundation with new energy and gave their philosophy new direction. It was Downing who introduced the use of crystals into the meditation exercises of Enolsis members.
  Thanks to Downing's influence, Enolsis is now based on a self-actualization/personal-development philosophy. According to this philosophy, the Enolsis student is the master of his own destiny, completely in control of his life and environment; if the Enolsis student is robbed at gunpoint, then, subconsciously, this must have been something the Enolsis student wanted to happen. Enolsis's central philosophy incorporates aspects of existentialist style personal responsibility with the exploration of higher planes of consciousness. Gene Downing produces volumes of writings, DVD's, CD's, and other muti-media materials. He keeps an exhaustive lecture schedule. His tireless efforts to resurrect Enolsis have paid off. Old believers returned, and new members added their names to the rolls.
  Today, Enolsis's members rolls have grown to over 107,000 members throughout the English-speaking world. In 2007, Downing was given the title "The Living Power," in recognition of his work for and spiritual guidance of Enolsis.

  Regarding Ron Valiant: [Could use some clarification here as I was busy puzzling out something else at this time]. Ron Valiant has CIA files that we weren't yet able to access. Agent Bandolier discovered that Valiant had some background with the CIA but Agent Bandolier didn't have the necessary clearance to access the CIA database. The team sought to research further information on Ron Valiant but has yet to actually do so.  
  Regarding Senator DiTorrio We badged our way into the senator's room and interrogated him. While he was sleeping, he was blabbing, "My boy, my boy, no… He's all I got… Safe… Danine…" [please confirm the accuracy of this, I was writing fast] Confirmed.

  That is about it. We left off when our band of heroes returned to their hotel rooms at the Westin and watched the porno movies and listened to the .mp3. It was about 4 AM on the morning of Wednesday the 11th of February. Jack Huston and James Halperin were sharing a room. Raoul Bandoleir and Baxter Devans were sharing a room. Dirk Carver adn Lance Haines were sharing a room. Let me know if you guys have any further areas of investigation for the morning of the 11th. You guys are pretty darn Again, nice job on the summary. Maybe following up with 'unresolved leads' or some such thing...prioritized items for pursuit... My brain was pretty much cooked Friday night. I had that flash drive with me but I had also emailed the .mp3 to myself at one point, but didn't think of it in the moment. ...

Looking forward to our return to St. Louis.

From Bandolier's Notes (Session 5/11/12)

2011 Feb 10 Tuesday
Morning Arrival
We met with Louis Gaston, FBI, who took us immediately to the house of Larry Daniels. An event had occurred leading to several deaths. The house has an 8 ft wall and gate, and about a zillion FBI and ATF, as well as a couple of USAF keeping a low profile.

Victims: Col. Larry Daniels, USAF, retired, had been an USAF administrator (he went to the Air Force Academy, but his eyes went bad). He worked in procurement and seems to have been involved in Central America and the Middle East/Gulf War One. He retired from USAF and went to work for McDonnell Douglas (MD). There seems to be some indication that he was involved in Iran Contra era arms running [needs clarification]. There was no indictment.
Neil Begly, pimp and probable drug dealer. We later learned that Neil brought the hookers.
Stanley Cable, city commissioner. Much more information needed on this guy.
Hookers, six of them.
Survivor senator Anthony DiTorio (D- MO). The senator is on the Armed Service Committee. Fifty eight years old (claims to be 50), no kids, divorced 5 years ago [what does ex wife say led to breakup?] when he started humping hookers as fast as possible. He has a broken arm and is in shock at the hospital.

The House
 We entered the foyer. Here DiTorio and a hooker were found on the floor. DiTorio was alive and transported to the hospital.
  The hooker was dead and appears to have acted as an airbag when the senator landed on her. The next body was found in the parlor, hanging by her arm from the ceiling. The arm penetrated the ceiling, and appeared bonded with the structure of the house. The hand stuck up into the room above. Teleportation error indicated. Body three was a hooker stuck halfway through the wall between the hall and the party room. Another apparent teleportation error.
  The party room appeared to be blown out as if a detonation had gone off inside, pooching out the walls, floor and ceiling. At the epicenter Daniels was found kneeling with an Olympic boner and holding a crystal in his praying hands [the crystal is now at the university with Dr. Travis Archer, geologist.
  Daniels body was cooked and dried to a charcoal. Begley was also here, partially fused into a chair. There were also two dead hoookers in here. A survey of clothing determined that there was an extra pair of men's trousers and ladies underpants. Our investigation began to include determining if two other survivors had escaped the event.
  The final victims were found in a small room off the party room. Cable and a hooker and a bunch of sex toys were there. In an office two USAF officials (Picton and Wensloff) were searching Daniel's hard drive, apparently for anything classified. We set up a camera and mic to watch them. The room also held many books on new age crystal mumbo jumbo, literature, and the military. There was a photo of a body builder giving Daniels a book and handshake [the book is the same one as found on the bookshelf IIRC]. On the shelf was a "most used" book with the inscription, "To Larry, for more than I can write, Ron." That book was titled Inner Science, by Herbert Price, founder of Enolsis. [see Enolsis interlude, next section] The bodybuilder guy was in military fatigues, last name, Valiant, was determined later.
  The master bedroom contained some BDSM gear that obviously hadn’t been used in a long time, and a pamphlet titled Your Realizer And You, which appears to be an instruction guide for using crystals and was published by Enolsis. The garage contains a couple guest vehicles, but Daniel's vehicle is absent. DMV records indicate that the missing vehicle is a red Mercedes. APB put out.
  Carriage house contains staff quarters. The staff report that they were sent to the carriage house before the party. Someone was awakened by a huge flash (the event), then went in and saw the bodies of DiTorio and a hooker and called the cops. Daniels was alleged to have a friend who hung around a lot who was a body builder. The were able to add little else. We did not learn if the car was taken before or after the event. The staff are as follows:
 - Emily Beaucamp, maid, Haitian
 - Jeanette Beaucamp, cook, Haitian, sister of Emily
 - Henry Kim, gardener, Korean
 - Gerry Fletcher, chauffeur, Jamaican
 - Dolores Montez, ???, housekeeper
 - Ernesto Montez, ???, butler, husband of Dolores.

  Enolsis interlude- from wikipedia
Enolsis was founded by Herbert Price, who promoted a system of clearing your life of clutter. He was rabidly anti-tax and, in 1978 he created a religion as a tax shelter. He published many books and self-help things. Some facts rushed by me, so here is a synopsis that might or might not be accurate and we really should have had a handout for this anyhow:
 - 1984 10,000 members est.
 - 1988 Tax exempt status lost due to being totally fraudulent.
 - 1990 Enolsis est. worth $11 million.
 - no date - The Stewards established as in-house muscle and enforecers. Stewards infiltrated other organizations including the IRS IIRC.
 - 1997 Stewards caught buying illegal weapons. Possibly active in arms dealing. Huge indictments came down. Price disappeared with the money.
 - 2000 many fewer members [I missed the exact number, if given it was buried in a deluge of info].
 - 2000 November- Gene Downing succeeds Price as leader, introduces crystals. Enolsis begins focussing on self-actualization/self-help bullshit. There is no fate. You control everything that happens to you.
 - 2007 Gene Downing given the title The Living Power. - now over 107,000 members.

2011 Feb 10
Tuesday 15h00
  Mercedes Located by local cops We drove from the house to the car. Our assumption was that the car had been taken by two people who had avoided dying in the event and left the party, or who left early before the event. It had been utterly stripped by local shits. There was type-A blood and blond hair on the steering wheel. We located a bloody smutch on a brick wall and found a dead (head mushed in) hooker in a nearby dumpster. Someone had apparently crushed her skull against the building and dumped her. We met with local hoodlums and managed to buy the hooker's purse (mines money and drugs, which were allegedly party drugs: ecstasy, cocaine, whatever). The hooker was IDed as Rachel Marks. We determined her cell number and traced its activity but it hadn't been used recently. We traveled to Ms Marks' appartment and saw her roommate (lady) naked. That was Ms. Mary Peabody. From Mary we worked out the IDs of the hookers: Dead hooker roll call:
 - Emma Louise Naffak, arm through ceiling
 - Danine Zimbello, under DiTorio in the foyer
 - Amanda Curren
 - Sarah Armes
 - Kat Washington
 - Angela Stevens
 - Rachel Marks, killed after escaping the party

2011 Feb 10
Tuesday 17h30 Local Enolsis Office:
   The main floor of the building is a large room with rubber mats. It stinks a bit. Two ladies are there to greet mugs and hand out crystals: Diane (hot) and Sarah. Pictures on the wall include one of Doug Walters (the current local director), Gene Downing (the Living Power, worldwide director), and the late Teb Stobbins deceased local director who died in 2009. There are three doors from the main room, but we were given no opportunity to enter any. No microphone was planted, but we managed to put in a camera in the bookstore across the street to watch the front. Checking official files, we learned that Stobbins died on 17 Oct 2009 at Enolsis from a shotgun wound to the heart. The safe at Enolsis was stolen. The safe supposedly contained items of spiritual significance. Upstairs is a long time apparel company that confirmed that there are no other normal entrances to the Enolsis building. The building is bracketed by other, unrelated businesses. Diane made an apparent sexual advance at one of our agents, but was rebuffed. Turns out he was gay. Enolsis closes at 23h00.

2011 Feb 10
Tuesday Later at FBI Headquarters
  We learned that the crystal from the event had been turned over to Dr. Travis Archer (mentioned earlier). We learned the last name of Valiant for the Ron who signed Daniels' book. A cursory investigation of Ron Valiant indicates that he was caught and tortured by Columbian drug lords in 2003. Allegedly he was smuggling weapons. The US government acknowledged that he was CIA and secured his release [Could use some clarification here as I was busy puzzling out something else at this time]. Ron Valiant has CIA files that we weren't yet able to access. We learned that senator DiTorio had regained consciousness.

2011 Feb 10
Tuesday Later at Hospital
  We badged our way into the senator's room and interrogated him. While he was sleeping, he was blabbing, "My boy, my boy, no… He's all I got… Safe… Danine…" [please confirm the accuracy of this, I was writing fast] He was a hostile fucker until confronted with the possibility that crime scene footage of him on a dead hooker might be made public. Then he was marginally nicer and Agent Angst hit with with the juice. We learned that Daniels got wicked big boners using crystals and that Doug Walters was at the party. We did not learn if he and Ms Marks left before or after the event. Angst administered an amnesiac and we left. We returned to our hotel to get a nap at 21h00.

2011 Feb 10
Tuesday 22h00 at hotel
  Received a phone call with autopsy results. All dead guests (besides Daniels I guess) had internalized shrapnel. More teleportation error-like injuries. The house had been scattered with debris, all of which was determined to have come from the party room during the flash/event. As if there was an explosion into another dimension (for lack of a less retarded or cliché way of describing it) in that room which took along a lot of stuff and people, but it quickly returned to our dimension with some things inside of others.

2011 Feb 11
Wednesday 03h00 Enolsis:
  We broke in. Upstairs is one big room in all white with sheer curtains and a waterbed in the center. Behind the curtains were lots of guns (assault rifles), a video camera, an AV set up and a kajillion tons of porn. In the player currently was a tape labeled "Diane and Sarah". Two interesting CDs were X.AVI and FOR_THE_WORLD.MP3. We copied the CDs and the Diane tape (yeah!). We bugged the upper room and the lower room. There was also some equipment (saws) where someone had been sawing crystals (Realizers) in half. Besides the stairs up behind the door marked "Private", the other two doors on the ground floor were labeled "something," and, "another thing". One had lots of Realizers and pamphlets, I think. The other had fuck all and a floor safe that we couldn't open. We set a camera to hopefully capture someone opening it and requested a safe cracker from Delta Green.

2011 Feb 11
Wednesday 05h00 Hotel
  We watched the vids as follows:Diane and Sarah - The eponymous girls get boned by Doug Walters. They act horny as all fuck, but appear uncomfortable and possibly drugged.X.AVI - Hope and Doug get it on wildly. Hope is hot until she comes uncunted and turns into an amorphous alien with 11 vaginas and 167 assholes. Doug makes her call him daddy or something like that. Total protomatter. FOR_THE_WORLD.MP3 - An audio track of Doug proclaiming his amazing power to destroy the aliens that run all Earths major religions. Doug plans to dominate the Earth after freeing it from alien control.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blue Ridge Finale - A New Age Begins

The aftermath of our last session was significant.

Billy Ray Spivey died of his condition under custody.

Billy Ray's girlfriend, Jane Allen, died of her condition under care.

Jane Allen's infant died under care.

Agent Halperin was able to obtain the body of a 'gray' from the gassed
barn on the farm in Groversville. Unfortunately, a Majestic-12 unit,
under the command of Adolf Lupus took possession of the body and the
barn. Later surveilance reported that the barn was completely
destroyed and the site razed.

Groversville was quarantined by the CDC. There was substantial
evidence of mining related toxic groundwater contamination. This led
to suppressed immune systems of the local population and a severe
outbreak of influenza followed. As a result, twenty seven people died.

There has been some reorganization within Delta Green. From here
forward, alphabetical cell divisions will have no more than three
members. A-Cell, for example will have three members. B-Cell, will
have three members and so on. This leaves a total of 78 available DG
agent positions available within the United States.Cell members will
only know the names of their fellow cell members and the code names of
the leaders of adjacent cells. These precautions are taken as Majestic
(MJ) may be seeking to 'out' DG and reveal their illegal activities
and expose the membership. Additional roles can be supplemental to the
DG effort via DG 'Friendly' status. Exceptions are made for previous
operation associations.

Current members of A-Cell are Bandolier, Stockton, Carver
Current members of H-Cell are Halperin, Haines

It has been some months since these events have passed. It is early spring.
Your smartphone displays a text message from Agent Alexander, Director
of Operations.

"You are cordially invited to a night at the opera. Arrangements have
been made for you to meet your escort at Lambert Airport, St. Louis,
Missouri. Be seeing you."

Monday, May 7, 2012


Nice pic Ron. Funny, I remember you taking that in the moment but it seems like a long time ago now.

One of those nights where I went to pee right before we started and right after dinner, and didn't move until 2 AM. My bladder was pretty full.

Good thing I had plenty of salt and sugar to help my osmotic potential along.

I had a good time last night, I hope you all did as well. My condolences to those who perished during the evening, Craig and Leif.

The two DEA agents that stepped in to help with the raid on the barn were welcome replacements. Too bad that Leif was heavily napping when the barn cracking team began. Went to bed thinking about potential nuclear strikes in Tennessee and chuckling to myself. A memorable evening. Well done all.

I'll send out some briefing information for next session. It is going to task all of your investigative abilities and your ability to stay on task even more than this past session. As always, the possibility of sudden and painful death will be close at hand. There should be some questions that remain unanswered. Feel free to shoot those out if you're interested. The game is about facing peril and earning the donuts, but ultimate success will come through knowledge and understanding.

Funny how the mind caves in and suddenly some other part of the brainstem takes over and you're grabbing a pillow with a little happy smirk and surrendering to that call.....

The night before, thanks to movies with Joakim, I had run less than 5 hours sleep. I don't know how I made it without caving...perhaps it was adrenaline...fear for the future of earth and Tennessee ...whether it was alien or nuclear threat.

Had a short night last night as well. Home about 2:30...we're dog sitting Sally and Ella's dad's dog. He got up at mom called at 7:30. Kinda up since then. Starting to feel it a bit.

Not sure if Captain helicopter pilot and demolitions officer are best built for the case-work ahead? Most case work is crime scene sleuthing, possibly technical data mining type work, and action as last resort. I'm fine with going ahead with whatever persona you guys want to bring to the game. Also availble as good replacement characters might Dan the Sherriff from Groversville. When he comes back to his senses, he's going to be interested in following up on exactly what happened. Also, possibly Prikaj Lal, desk clerk from Merle's Shut Eye. He's going to be looking for some answers for a while.

Already scheming and preparing for our next meeting.


Well, the evening began where it left off - Leif and Ron's characters standing beside the road, watching Scott Adams' corpse and the rental Suburban incinerate on the side of the freeway. Afterward, Leif's character journeyed on with the body of Scott Adams and the burned vehicular wreckage to Atlanta.

The rest of the investigators were back in Groversville.

Donavan's new persona, a CDC agent complete with bio-safety equipment arrived from Atlanta early in the morning to find the other agents sleeping off their night's adventures.

In the morning, some of the team slurped down some breakfast at the Stuffin' Shack. Chris' character did some tissue analysis of the cow udder and other samples in the hotel room. Donavan's character began cleaning Scott Adams' hotel room. Joakim stayed in the room and kept an eye on things via remote cameras.

After breakfast, the team noticed a telephone lineman up the pole outside the hotel. This led to a 'conversation' which ended in the back of the telephone lineman's van. Ron's character pistol whipped the lineman into submission, while the lineman nearly headbutted Ron's character into unconsciousness. The group took the van out of town to ask the lineman some questions. During that process, he died.


They decided to dump the van and body up by the reservoir.  While there, they ran into some of Billy Ray Spivey's friends - who talked about Mrs. Spivey and Billy's girl, Jane Allen. ... The latter name sparked some dim memory of a name from a handout and the group did some research. .. or sort of did some research.

At any rate, eventually they found out that in another hotel room there might be someone with the initials J.A. that Scott had rented the room for. With some interrogation of our Indian friend, they got into the room and found a very pregnant, and very hungry, Jane Allen. Evidently she'd been hiding there with Scott's help and hadn't eaten in the three days since he died.

The group fed her,  though her protruding stomach was fearfully stretching (only about a month pregnant, she appeared to be ready to pop at any moment). Our intrepid heroes transported her to SAIC Derringer at the FBI HQ. Upon delivery of her, Derringer handed over some spray that the lab had worked up. Upon contact with the protomatter, the spray would turn a bright pink. The team sprayed Derringer and he was clean. Later, in private, they sprayed one another. All were heavily contaminated. Joakim's character and Donavan's replacement character (who lived in his bio-hazard suit) were the least. Those who'd eaten and drank freely in Groversville - among the most.

The team spent the night out of town that night, got some more supplies, including MRE's and bottled water and went back the next morning. They returned to the reservoir and found it to be wholly and heavily contaminated. In fact, all the town watter is completely contaminated turning bright pink on contact with the spray.

Scott Adams' computer files led the team to Jane Allen, and likewise, examination of these files led them to a cryptic statement that several members of the community 'never go home'. These turned out to be the town aldermen.

The group spent a night up at the reservoir looking for UFO's. Joakim's character spotted a cluster of bright lights moving up the valley, to the east and then descending and winking out, somewhere east of town.

In the early morning of Friday, November 13th, the group decided to follow up on the Aldermen and went to their homes. They found wives in curlers and house coats preparing for a long day of laundry, vacuuming, and morning soaps. Except Mrs. Allen, who was already nursing a bourbon and soda (without the soda). Our heroes did make an appointment to stop back by this evening, around 6:00 to see Mr. Allen.

Afterwards, they decided to go to the Town Hall bldg. and see if they could speak with the Aldermen there. Evidently, they have a weekly morning meeting most Fridays. As our heroes drove up to the town hall, we called it for the evening.  

Overall, I had thought the evening would start of quickly with the clues that were revealed and emailed out at the last session - leading to Jane and the Alderman question. But the group was ... clue challenged and didn't pick up on this until much later in the evening.

That is where we left it, I think. Perhaps the others can correct me or enhance this in areas where I've overly abbreviated. Thank you, Leif, for the use of your home. It was nice to be in familiar and comfortable surroundings. We enjoyed the toothbrushes - but found them lacking in scratching that itch that was unrelenting, you know. We had to improvise. I think we killed the pizza rolls but forgot chicken wings and popcorn chickens in your freezer. Next time perhaps.

Looking forward to next time and the return to Groversville.


Bit of a late start last night - even though I was back from WV event at 7:28 we didn't really get rolling until 8:30 - there was much bullshitting and catching up...

Despite that late start, it was a productive evening.

Investigations led the group to a farm where Bobby Brickhouse (Craig) had his way with Farmer Robert Gum's cow ...mostly the udder. The udder was missing but in the featureless scar tissue that remained, teats would appear when just the right tickle was applied.

Oh, on the way to the farm, some UFO watchers (the star and chief cameraman of Phenomen-X) were pulled over by the group for questioning. They were later found unconscious in their car, on the side of the road. They had no memory of how they got there or what happened.

The group spent some quiet time on a stake-out looking for UFO's. Some faint, colorful, glimmering lights were briefly observed as they moved through the low clouds,

While on their stake out, the agents heard of another UFO watcher - Scott Adams. The group returned to their motel and discovered that Scott had a room at their very own motel - but hadn't been seen for a couple of days.

Scott was found, half floating, in a tub full of water and blood - rancid after several days of decomposition. Sadly, it was in Scott's room that agent Andreas Dean passed last night. In the bad motel bathroom, some sort of whitish or pinkish protoplasm leapt at Andreas. Our other intrepid investigators fled the room even as Andreas quick reflexes allowed him to fire on the kiwi-sized protoplasmic blob as it struck the bathroom door. He countered with suppressed pistol fire and splatted the blob at point blank range across the bathroom door. Unfortunately, a larger mass of the protoplasm erupted from the bathtub. It was concealed beneath the bloating corpse of Scott. When the protoplasm erupted, body and bathwater all became airborne for a moment - and in that moment, the protoplasm attached itself to the chest of Andreas.

As Andreas struggled to remove his kevlar vest, to his horror, the blob he splattered with his 9mm reformed and leapt to join the larger mass as it worked its way underneath his clothing.

Moments later he awoke amidst the rancid blood and bathwater on the bathroom floor - feeling only a sense of panic and invasion. His abdomen wracked with extreme discomfort and pain. How much time had passed? How long was it before his fellow agents re-entered the hotel room to check on whether or not he was alive?

Next, Dirk Carver's warm and reassuring face appeared. The stained ceiling of the motel bathroom with the little sparkles in the water stained texturing glimmering behind Dirk's face. Then, Dirk's arm appeared holding a syringe. That is the last image that Andreas Dean ever saw.

Welcome to Groversville, Tennessee.

And we had donuts. 11:30...

Joakim woke up in here somewhere, I don't recall if he had a donut - but he was obviously jet-lagging a bit as he passed out heavily in his chair somewhere around 10:30 or so... Somehow I managed to get the potatochip/ginger/cashew/pecanbar/spaghetti/salad/icecream/doubledowndonut ratio about right as I felt pretty good this morning....

Looking forward to our next gathering.

Cheers and be well all.

Oh, and no pic because we never went to the map....maybe next time...



Operation BLUE RIDGE
Report to Knoxville, Tennessee ASAP.

Investigate unusual circumstances related to disappearance, crime spree, and bio-augmentation of James Spivey.

- Contact FBI SAIC James Derringer for local direction.
- Obtain samples.
- Determine origin/cause and obtain.
- Once protocols are complete, contact A-Cell for further instructions.



GREEN BOX protocol in effect.


President and First Family were attacked by a rogue agent. Three Secret Service agents were killed in the attack, four others were seriously wounded. Government agents acted valiantly in the defense of the President and the First Family. At no time was the President or the First Family in any actual danger.

All Delta Green agents have been placed on temporary administrative leave from their cover professions during the debriefing and post operational observation process. All weapons and ordinance from IAPETUS have been acquired as part of this process. New PDW's (personal defense weapons) have been issued.

Agent Status:

Mark Whitmore - deceased
Andreas Dean - on administrative leave from BATF&E
Jim Halperin - detained for further debriefing, observation and evalution
Shane Stockton - recovering from wounds sustained in line of duty (NY apartment blast)
Dirk Carver - on administrative leave from NYPD
Bobby Brickhouse - resuming normal broadcast schedule soon

Delta Green obtained and destroyed remaining copies of Libri Plures Admiratio ("Book of Many Wonders"), including the original located at L'Universite libre de Bruxelles.

Julius Sward and his family died by his own hand in Modesto, California. Lawrence Badek, a 42 year old math teacher in Wiesbaden, Germany also died by his own hand. Before he died, however, he managed to take over one of the towers for Marktkirche Cathedral and wave a bedsheet with numbers written on it in shoe polish from the parapet. The numbers were never completely visible in existing news coverage. Badek fired on police on the ground, hitting no one. When the Spezialeinsatzkommando stormed the tower, Badek jumped from the parapet holding SDK commando Ernst Austerlitz. Both fell to their deaths on live television. At that some moment, an explosive device in the tower detonated, killing four other SDK officers.

At this time, it appears that all further vectors of the Laqueus Solution have been removed.

As a result of the high profile attention caused by IAPETUS - all Delta Green agents are limited to their PDW only. All requisitions for other ordinance are limited at this time. Missions will be transitioning to the 'Green Box' protocol effective immediately. 

Operation IAPETUS
You are to investigate the murders of MALCOLM RIDGEWAY (44), DINAH RIDGEWAY (43), MICHAEL RIDGEWAY (18), CLARK RIDGEWAY (16), DEAN RIDGEWAY (14), MARY RIDGEWAY (13), ALICE RIDGEWAY (12), CLAIRE RIDGEWAY (10) in Alliance, New Jersey on 12OCT10.

Murderer is MICHAEL WEI (26) (DECEASED). Wei was a mathematical student at Columbia University New York. Wei inscribed a series of numbers at the scene which are known to possess dangerous, paranormal properties.
Mission Instructions:
- Determine if WEI distributed the number in any manner besides the crime scene (phone, fax, email).
- Locate WEI's notes and work on the number and destroy it.
- If possible, destroy the number inscription at the scene and all photographic evidence of it in the hands of the authorities.
- Locate any exposed to the number with mathematical experience and report them to A-Cell.
- Link WEI romantically to DINAH RIDGEWAY. Fake whatever documents necessary to make an affair between the two seem likely.
- Once protocols are complete, contact A-Cell for further instructions
Possible Friendly Contacts :
-Trooper Thomas Blanet, New Jersey State Patrol